Saturday 1 June 2013

And One More Thing ...

I've had a spinning wheel for almost 3 years now ... though I only got excited about it just over 2 years ago ... and then baby came :P

At first it was totally do-able while nursing - this girl ate *so* much and so frequently, I had to find ways to do things while she was eating so I didn't go crazy.  I found a comfortable position for her to eat and me to spin.  It was a wonderful arrangement.

Then she got more efficient at nursing and by the time I thought about it, it was too late so my production slowed significantly.  She was still completely immobile, and the noise seemed to be soothing so there was still opportunity.

Then she started moving.  For the last 6 months, it was not an option.  Gingersnap was so intent on *helping* me spin, and the Sidekick I have has lots of opportunity for little fingers to get hurt, so I stopped entirely.  But ...

The other day while she napped I thought I would take it back out, if only for a few minutes, and spun for 2 hours.  I was so enthralled when she woke up I tried to keep going ... and wouldn't you know it?  She left me alone!!

I spun the whole 5oz Loop Bullseye Bump that day, albeit rather poorly :P very overspun and quite thick and thin ... but I made it and I love it and it's going to grow up to be a Milo for gingersnap :)

So maybe I have another hobby that will start to make more of an appearance again?!?  It will have to wait until I get a few sweaters off the needles ... hopefully more to come in the very near future!

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